Wednesday, March 02, 2005

We Got It!

Our offer was accepted! We have a house! We don't need to live out of the van! LOL Phew, it's almost over. Now to pack everything and get out of here. We are going to see what we can do about getting in a few days early so our stuff doesn't have to sit in a truck for a week. Officially our closing date on the house is April 1, so 4 weeks to go and counting!


Kim said...

WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!! Congratulations!!!! When's the housewarming party?

Notes from the Trenches said...

Make sure your computer is the last thing you pack so that the box is handy to unpack first thing ;-)
Good luck.

Randi said...


This is my first visit to your site. You have a very nice group of guys!

Congratulations on your house!

Lisa said...

Alllllll Righttttt! Congrats! Would you like my avacado green shag to go with the harvest gold house???