Tuesday, March 02, 2010

3 Years Old

Last week Jacob had his third birthday. He asked for a Thomas cake, of course. It feels like the 600th Thomas cake I have baked! lol. I guess I haven't made enough of them yet, because I was still disappointed in how it turned out; luckily 3 year olds aren't as picky, because Jacob loved it LOL.


The store didn't have colored icing, so I had to mix it myself. Ugh it is hard to make black! It was really more gray than it looks in the picture, but overall it's better than I expected it to get. I am also happy with the blue - very Thomas.

He requested chicken nuggets for dinner (I think Chris snuck off and ate something else!) and we had fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and of course the cake, for dessert. He got just a few presents, but they were what he asked for, so he was happy. Ah, 3! They are easy to please!



Lisa said...

Happy Birthday!

Aimee said...

Happy Birthday cutie pie!!!! Sorry I missed calling you on your special day. Love the cake! Better than anything I could have done.

Oh, and Katie requested choc chip pancakes for her b'day dinner; Chuck did not do anything so gracious as sneaking off to have something else - he complained loudly that he should have to come home from working all day and find out that that was all I had planned.

sell house fast said...

Be lated happy cutie pie. I Want to gift you a house.