In honor of my birthday today, the boys have been bickering extra loudly, extra early, and over extra stupid things. And Chris came home from work last night sick. Seems he was working too hard. And Ernesto is coming to dump the last of its rain on us this afternoon. Happy Birthday to me. Aimee, I hope your day is going better than mine! And I hope Chuck doesn't have too much trouble driving down to Mark's today, he'll be driving through that storm. Ick.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!1
I love love love love the pictures !!!!!!!!
Thanks for posting them.
And hope your day got better after your post.
Sending you virtual chocolate,
Happy Birthday to you, dear Gretchen, happy birthday to you...
I wish I could send you a cake...but I can't, no kitchen yet. So make sure to take time for yourself as soon as you can.
Happy Birthday to you!!!!
Happy belated birthday, Gretchen! Tried to post a belated happy birthday to Noah under your last post, but the word verification wouldn't show up, so I couldn't.
Happy (belated) Birthday! I hope the day got better. If not I hope you found chocolate.
Happy (belated) birthday! Hope your family got with the birthday program and pulled themselves togther (or you went out by yourself for a while!)
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